Gustavo Bermejo and Carlos R. Monroy
About Gustavo Bermejo and Carlos R. Monroy
Gustavo Bermejo-Martín is a mentor in entrepreneurship and innovation programs in Headspring, IE Business School, Go2Space-HUBs Madrid, and Healthstart Madrid. He holds a Ph.D. degree (Cum Laude) in Industrial Management from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and degrees in Telecommunication Engineering (UPM) and Executive MBA from IE Business School.
He is a visiting scholar on innovation and business development at Universidad Autónoma and Universidad Alcalá de Henares in Madrid, Spain. He belongs to the Food Quality Engineering research group at UPM, with published papers in scientific journals. He is a member of smart city and sustainability research groups.
Carlos Rodríguez-Monroy is a professor of International Business at King Juan Carlos University. He has taught Corporate Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Corporate Governance at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM).
He holds a Ph.D. degree in Industrial Management from UPM and degrees in Economics, Sociology, and Law from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He has been Academic Director of CESMA Business School and visiting scholar at IMT Atlantique in Nantes, France, and the University of Connecticut in the USA.
He is a doctoral theses director, academic editor, and reviewer of scientific journals. He heads the Food Quality Engineering research group at UPM, focusing on the food-energy-water nexus.