Our Expertise

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

At Headspring, we believe that in the new era of sustainable business, DE&I is not a choice, but essential.

Below, you will discover the latest thinking on different aspects of DE&I.


A Cornerstone of Sustainable Business

The case for business diversity has already been made, but the challenges are far from over. There’s still a huge gap between perception and reality, between talking and doing.

DE&I is still high up on the agenda for many organisations, yet the data speaks for itself – there is a long way to go.

At Headspring, we believe that DE&I is a cornerstone of sustainable business. Leaders play a crucial role in ensuring that DE&I practices, and the culture they have built, contribute to progress. They shouldn’t just drive diversity but ensure that people feel included.

Below, you will find our collection of insights on DE&I, ranging from podcasts, guest articles, and panels.


What we can offer

Inclusive Leadership Programme

A customisable online programme designed to help teams and businesses leverage the power of diversity and inclusion to make a positive impact on society and achieve sustainable growth.

Leaders of the future should not work to simply just drive diversity but to ensure people feel included. They should be culture builders. They offer empathy not because they have been told to do so, but because they genuinely care. The goal of this programme is to help participants to become true diversity and inclusion ambassadors. While providing an in-depth awareness and understanding, the programme will provide practical tools to run operations and take decisions while adopting an inclusive mindset.

Discover more

Gender Diversity

Women were disproportionately affected by the pandemic. It’s crucial that organisations won’t let decades of progress reverse.

Women's Leadership & Inclusion

In this podcast episode, Silvia Pavoni, Founder of Sustainable Views at the Financial Times, and Tine Arentsen Willumsen, CEO of Above & Beyond Group speak about:

  • What needs to be done to close the gender gap and have more women in leading positions.
  • How to overcome biases and embed D&I in company culture.
  • What HR functions can do to facilitate the change needed for progress.


Dive into our podcast, Learning Rewired, where we speak with industry leaders and experts about all-things leadership and learning. We explore expertise, trends, personal experiences, and topics that are shaping the tomorrow of work.



The often-overlooked outlier of diversity is known to drive greater creativity and innovation by providing unique perspectives (which ultimately leads to greater business outcomes). Explore our articles on neurodiversity below.


Our Programmes

If you are looking for a custom solution for your business, please contact us. If you would like to explore some pre-designed solutions click below.



LGBTQA+, Culture and Ethnic Diversity