Changing Mindsets in Financial Services
A collection of resources carefully curated for Financial Times enterprise subscribers by the FT’s executive development arm. Develop your teams and dive deeper into topics ranging from business culture, leadership, diversity, purpose talent development and organisational structure.

Supporting change in Financial Services
Having previously faced major reputational challenges, financial sector organisations today are in a different position than they were in previous global crises.
Industry analysts believe there is now an opportunity for the sector to support the recovery efforts and play a leading role and reshaping a more sustainable kind of capitalism. The very real pressures of dealing with new competitors as well as the challenges of climate change, diversity and digital transformation give the industry the opportunity to lead the movement to embrace a purpose-led and stakeholder-centred approach to business.
As change usually starts with a mindset shift, we have curated an exclusive selection of resources and learning material to help FT Enterprise subscribers get an in-depth perspective on topics related to leadership, talent development, diversity and purpose.
Insights on Leadership
Remote work comes with many pros and cons, but one of the greatest challenges is to create a feeling of belonging. Culture builders understand the ambiguity of this situation and work to create a consistent culture, where trust underpins the dynamic of relationships. In challenging times, culture builders are able to align people behind a clear purpose and a shared vision that goes beyond pure financial success.

Research: Developing Sustainable Leadership
Do leaders have what’s needed to grow organisations that are able to serve society and pursue profit?
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Video: Why leaders shouldn't shy away from conflict
Companies are facing multiple challenges and one thing is clear, innovation is a piece of the solution. But what does it take to build a truly innovate organisation?
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Podcast: Developing Emotional Intelligence and Empathy
Emotional intelligence is now considered one of the most important leadership traits. Understand how you can develop it.
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Leadership Skills Series: The Three Conditions for Success
Discover in this session, the three conditions to empower your people to deliver success.
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Leadership Skills Series: Decision Making
Learn techniques and different decision-making criteria, depending on the context of the decision you have to make.
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Six Things Transformational Leaders Don’t Do in a Crisis
Despite its apparent commitment to freedom, flexibility, and tolerance of failure, transformational leadership is guided by conscious and active decision-making.
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Digital Transformation Challenges in Financial Services
The 24/7 nature of finance rarely allows enough time for companies and markets to evolve or implement new systems. In addition, the sector struggles with complex leadership and decision-making structures. Under such challenging circumstances, what can financial services leaders do to ensure effectiveness and a positive experience in digital initiatives?
Insights on Diversity & Inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion have been “important but not urgent” issues for some time. It’s time to change that.

Webinar: Promoting Women Leadership in Financial Services
Learn how financial services organisations can make the necessary adaptations to include, attract, develop, and retain women in the workplace.
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What LGBTQ+ employees want you to know about their workplace experiences
Diversity and inclusion have climbed corporate agendas over the past decade, yet many LGBTQ+ employees continue to face discrimination in the workplace. Understanding what LGBTQ+ employees need and want is the first step to foster inclusivity.
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Can L&D help CEOs deliver on diversity and inclusion promises?
When George Floyd was killed by a white policeman in Minneapolis in May 2020, millions marched in protest and #blacklivesmatter moved into the mainstream. How can leaders, and their companies, make good on the public pacts they made?
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What organisations can do to re-engage, retain and support women
When you are mapping out ideas for actions that your organisation can take to increase gender equity and representation, think first about your culture.
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Webinar: How Lack Feedback Impact Women's Careers
How to create a development support solution that creates impact and sustainable change.
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Podcast: LGBTQ+ and Inclusive Organisations
We discuss the challenges and opportunities facing organisations as they move towards greater LGBTQ+ inclusion.
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Digital Transformation: A Cultural Issue
Digital transformation can be a leap into the unknown
Whether the change is incremental or disruptive, it is your people, not your technology that matters most. In this process, HR and L&D leaders can play an essential role.
In the session, our experts Bernardo Crespo and Antonia Cundy will explore the following topics:
- How to create and embrace a customer-centric digital culture.
- Translating digital trends into essential skills
- Turning learning and development objectives into business outcomes.
Sustainability & Purpose
Every business is different. Every business feels the impact of change and social disruption differently. Shifts on the perception of the role of ethics in business are driving new consumer behaviour as well as employee relations trends. Making sense of a world in change is key for leaders.

The rise of the Chief Sustainability Officer
As 'ESG' has grown, the role of the CSO has shifted and evolved to match the demand.
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Adding social issue to the corporate balance sheet
Employees, investors and customers are increasingly demanding transparency across supply chains and corporate structures. Executives are forced to consider their wider impact as significant of a risk as financial measurements
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The 'Net-Zero' trend
Over the past few years, 'net-zero' pledges have been made globally, committing organizations to produce no more greenhouse gases than they are emitting. Setting net-zero targets have become a key tool to fight climate change and stakeholders are looking to companies to set theirs
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Is private capital the key to tackling climate change?
Global start-ups are coming up with innovations that could tackle the world’s major sustainability challenges. But 90% of these companies fail because they run out of money. Meanwhile, according to Morgan Stanley, more than 70% of investors believe their investment choices can impact climate change.
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ESG may sound like a PR spin, but you can't dismiss it
Companies today must care about shareholders, but their behaviour methods and culture matter too. Employees, customers, investors and the wider public are watching companies to see how they are cultivating for long-term gain. 'ESG' concerns have exploded over the course of the pandemic as shareholders look to more than just the balance sheet.
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Webinar: From Shareholders to Stakeholders: How Capitalism is Evolving
What role can leaders play to create a positive business impact in society?
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ESG: What boards can learn from ‘Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire’
A review of Prof Rebecca Henderson’s book and a reflection of how changes to the capitalist system will impact global corporations.
Insights on Culture and Talent Development
The covid-19 crisis has forced many businesses and entire industries to embrace digital transformation. But our experience shows that transformation is harder to sustain without a genuine cultural transformation. The culture of your organisation influences every decision taken by your team, so it can either be a key enabler or a major obstacle for any kind of transformation.

Research: Digital Transformation Through Human Development
2020 has seen a rapid acceleration of digital transformation agendas. In dealing with these challenges, focus is often placed on the technological requirements of change, but is that alone sufficient?
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Optimising Learning: tips for cognitive thinking in the workplace
Metacognition, or the awareness and understanding of one’s own thought processes, can help solve strategic and everyday issues in a business. We dig in deeper on how we learn in the workplace, and what can be done to enhance our learning.
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Deep work: How to boost productivity and happiness at work
Deep work — the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task — is becoming rarer. The ‘always on’ culture forces us to do shallow work, which can compromise the quality of our output.
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The Expert View: How to Create More Humane Workplaces?
Our experts weigh in on how leaders can create more purposeful and humane workplaces.
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The rise of ‘extreme teaming’ and the network-based organisational structure
Organisation structures define companies. The hierarchical business model that produced low-cost cars a century ago no longer reflects today’s organisational needs, says Peter Fisk
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Report: The New Face of the Workplace
Explore perspectives on four scenarios likely to emerge after the crisis and understand how to manage employer and employee relations around hybrid work.
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